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Beautiful Healing is divided into seven love letters, all of which are addressed “Dear Sis”. These letters are for women everywhere who need help in order to disengage from emotional pain, destructive lifestyles, and general negativity. Felicia provides practical, straight-talk tips on how to be more present and reflective, as well as how to reclaim control over the mind to live a fulfilling life. 


“This book is for any woman who has lost her way. My prayer is that she will realize that being lost doesn’t define her; that she is not broken because she is lost; and, most importantly, that she can rest in this truth: the path of Beautiful Healing is waiting for her to carry out God’s will like only she can.” Sisters, your love letters have arrived. 


Felicia’s Beautiful Healing guides women through their personal life changes with a sisterly love that provides context for difficult situations. “Vol. 1 equips women to make sense of things that seemingly don’t make sense and reflect upon what choices they made that led them down unhealthy paths. Then, the words express the power of forgiveness and healing and how they impact lives.” 


Felicia considers faith and self-worth to be crucial keys to overcoming the darkness of life. “When I started writing this book, I wanted to win in my life. I had to believe in something greater than myself, but also embrace that I was worthy of the opportunity to even write these words,” she said.

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